Friday, February 12, 2010

A good GeoCache day: one found, one not

We went out for our walk today with the iPhone app for geocaching. A new direction from our house. Nichols Canyon. The geocache showed two that we thought we would be able to handle.

It was such a very nice walk up the canyon. We saw two deer. Most of the time we needed to walk IN the road. Not too much traffic but we'd really had to pay attention when we heard a car coming & step up on a rock or a bit of dirt where ever possible.
Luckily no Prisus' snuck up on us!
The uphill wasn't too steep for my knees & after seeing the deer & walked a little bit further we found the first geocache. It really was an easy find but we got all excited anyway!

I checked my app again to see how much further uphill the other one would be.....well, it seemed dooable. We walked & walked & felt we must have passed, unseen the fireroad mentioned in the geocache details. When I looked again at the map in the iPhone I saw that we had walked uphill for over 1 1/2 miles....that's WAY more than my knees can usually handle. Uh oh, I knew it was not going to be a good thing to walk back the same distance. That's what I get for not paying attention to anything but the quest when geocaching.

Joey was an angel....I still cannot believe that he volunteered to run all the way back to the house to get the car to rescue his lady!!!

I waited on a rock for the half hour that it took him to come back. I was enjoying my iPhone...the iPod part , killing the time by listening to some of the podcasts I had. The time went by quickly with this diversion.

As we were driving back down hill we saw where the fireroad was ....the one we'd somehow missed on the way up on foot. So when we come back to find that 2nd geocache it , hopfully, will be a snap. We will drive up & find a place to park so there the walking part will be just right!

I think we'll wait until we return from Alamos to find that 2nd one.
(Sorry again, if u got this more than once. While I'm doing my somehow gets posted instead of just saved. I didn't mean to sent it out 3 times but I think that's what happened. There is supposed to only be one photo of the knight towards the bottom...u might see 2 in the uncorrected first one. Oh well. I'm still learning)

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