Wednesday, November 10, 2010

With the kids in Alpharetta GA

We spent 16 nights with the “kids” in Alpharetta, Ga, ; a northern suburb of Atlanta.

It was wonderful spending time with family like that. Being an only child myself it’s a little foreign to me but much enjoyed. It was nice not feeling the need or desire to “go” anywhere & “do” something. Just hangin’ was really a lovely thing.

The oldest grandson, Cameron, had a project for school which Joey had fun “helping” with. He was like a kid himself. It took two days to do.

Joey bought an iPad & Jake (son-in-law) helped in getting it set up. I thought anything

APPLE was supposed to be easy…..not! Without Jake helping out we’d be fooling with it for ever ….I know! Example: my Iphone I’ve had for just over a year, well, the photo downloading using iTune is still a problem for me because my laptop I use when traveling is running out of hard disk space & it appears that every time I connect the iPhone to the laptop things get duplicated in the laptop taking up unnecessary disk space. As a result I haven’t even been connecting the iPhone to the laptop….I’m going to try again soon so I can add photos to this blog. Actually, it’s the videos that take up so much space. I use my iPhone a lot for videos too. There are still some in there from last year’s Mexico trip. Typical procrastinator that I am.. To be more truthful: I'm a scaredy cat.

We’ve found lots of fun Apps for the iPad & we’re both having fun with it.

While we were in Alpharetta Joey helped the kids paint some walls. He loves keeping busy & being useful so it was a win/win for all.

Our favorite food being Indian we went back to our favorite restaurant twice & even better than that…..Jamel & Jake’s next door neighbors are Pakistani & they had us over for dinner again. (they did last year as well) That was very special. We had interesting discussions about many things. Cultures, religions, families, life in general. It was quite enjoyable. Nice people

Joey & Jake went to play racket ball. Joey hadn’t done that in YEARS. Joey was sore the next day but said it was worth it & wish he’d had been able to do it again.

Anyway, here, I hope will be my first video transfer. It's of Joey & youngest grandson, Oliver playing a game on the new iPad: